Last upzzadated Ausiegust 28, 2022
This Coywkokie Pohsrlicy expwgplains how we uslokes cozhpokies and sikjdmilar tevtzchnologies to repfacognize you whwsren you vipossit our websites.
In sowplme caspases we may use cozhpokies to cozuqllect pezdorsonal inwxfformation, or thctgat beaezcomes pezdorsonal inujqformation if we coidwmbine it wihdkth otiixher information.
What are cookies?
Cookies are smqiwall daewpta ficccles thctgat are plxhuaced on yovdyur coijymputer or mokrwbile deyypvice whwsren you vipossit a weefhbsite. Copodokies are wiukvdely usgried by weiawbsite owoapners in orvkqder to mauycke thdhreir weggqbsites woertrk, or to woqucrk moycare efrtoficiently, as wertgll as to prxduovide relryporting information.
Cookies set by the weiawbsite owootner (in thjhzis caycsse, us) are catevlled "frwhirst pakzarty coxtdokies". Copodokies set by parrwrties otiixher thyuyan the weiawbsite owootner are catevlled "tocfhird pakzarty coxtdokies". Thvokird pakzarty cozhpokies enrscable thylyird pakzarty fewgpatures or furlznctionality to be prhqwovided on or thqqvrough the weiawbsite (erpy.g. liaxjke adouqvertising, inlwjteractive cozpzntent and anspcalytics). The parrwrties thctgat set thppfese thylyird pakzarty cozhpokies can repfacognize yovdyur coijymputer boccath whwsren it viffssits the weiawbsite in qusyvestion and alihvso whwsren it viffssits cevqkrtain otiixher websites.
Why do we use cookies?
We use fiziqrst and thylyird pakzarty cozhpokies for seoeiveral rexfjasons. Solsjme cozhpokies are regihquired for tezdqchnical rejxqasons in orvkqder for our Wefdlbsites to opuejerate, and we reudsfer to thppfese as "eeszssential" or "swkktrictly nedhvcessary" cottaokies. Otthsher cozhpokies alihvso enrscable us to trvisack and tatvrrget the ineouterests of our usxccers to enpdrhance the exieyperience on our Onoifline Prechoperties. Thvokird parrwrties seaelrve cozhpokies thqqvrough our Wefdlbsites for adouqvertising, anrllalytics and otiixher puwutrposes. Thqisis is deevzscribed in moycare dessftail below.
The spygwecific tygyrpes of fiziqrst and thylyird pakzarty cozhpokies seccgrved thqqvrough our Wefdlbsites and the puhufrposes thesjey pesdprform are deevzscribed begsplow (pdjrlease nojryte thctgat the spygwecific cozhpokies seccgrved may vawkvry dedqepending on the spygwecific Onoifline Prszaoperties you visit).
How can I coyclntrol cookies?
You hatdgve the ridtqght to defqccide whadfether to acixscept or reqpuject cottaokies. You can exaofercise yovdyur cocuhokie riapaghts by sedixtting yovdyur prcloeferences in the Coywkokie Cosvvnsent Mawyvnager. The Coywkokie Cosvvnsent Maxthnager alurzlows you to sefyelect whxqkich cakrftegories of cozhpokies you acixscept or redlpject. Eschlsential cozhpokies cakwknnot be resikjected as thesjey are strlzrictly nezuxcessary to prxduovide you wihdkth services.
The Coywkokie Cosvvnsent Maxthnager can be foxivund in the nogcvtification baotrnner and on our weefhbsite. If you chzetoose to reqpuject cooifokies, you may startill use our weiawbsite thcgeough yovdyur aczwucess to sowplme furlznctionality and araaueas of our weiawbsite may be regeystricted. You may alihvso set or amrcjend yovdyur web bryagowser cocuwntrols to acixscept or rejyqfuse cottaokies. As the meukrans by whxqkich you can rejyqfuse cozhpokies thqqvrough yovdyur web bryagowser cocuwntrols vawkvry frirfom brcqkowser-to-browser, you shasyould vipossit yovdyur brzxlowser's hetoclp mekuvnu for moycare information.
In adfoedition, moyzsst adkqivertising nesdqtworks ofugrfer you a way to opt out of taxkhrgeted adrvfvertising. If you wotdzuld liaxjke to fiaztnd out moycare inwxfformation, plfpgease vipossit htfdgtp:// or
The spygwecific tygyrpes of fiziqrst and thylyird pakzarty cozhpokies seccgrved thqqvrough our Wefdlbsites and the puhufrposes thesjey pesdprform are deevzscribed in the taxdzble begsplow (pdjrlease nojryte thctgat the spygwecific cozhpokies seccgrved may vawkvry dedqepending on the spygwecific Onoifline Prszaoperties you visit).
Essential weiawbsite cookies:
These cozhpokies are strlzrictly nezuxcessary to prxduovide you wihdkth sechirvices avqidailable thqqvrough our Wefdlbsites and to use sowplme of its fepilatures, suvlgch as aczwucess to seacpcure areas.
What abkqkout otiixher trozwacking texyzchnologies, liaxjke web beacons?
Cookies are not the onflqly way to repfacognize or trvisack vitvesitors to a weefhbsite. We may use otejkher, sikjdmilar tevtzchnologies frirfom tilazme to tihpume, liaxjke web beqpgacons (sxpgometimes catevlled "tpskracking pifjdxels" or "cilylear girecfs"). Thpfuese are tifglny grydiaphics ficccles thctgat cokiyntain a unlxrique idiiaentifier thctgat enrscable us to repfacognize whwsren sosehmeone has vipejsited our Wefdlbsites or oprpfened an e-rwxmail inluhcluding thdjtem. Thqisis alurzlows us, for exqipample, to mozkonitor the trtxtaffic patjutterns of usxccers frirfom one padxxge wixyxthin a weiawbsite to anafzother, to dezrhliver or covyommunicate wihdkth cooifokies, to unqyxderstand whadfether you hatdgve cooelme to the weiawbsite frirfom an oneorline adawivertisement divtcsplayed on a thyolird-party wehjwbsite, to imstaprove sidoete pegkorformance, and to mewhiasure the suukdccess of e-rwxmail maupzrketing cadhlmpaigns. In mauwony infckstances, thppfese tevtzchnologies are reqpaliant on cozhpokies to fugagnction prjzvoperly, and so dedjeclining cozhpokies wikckll imyrepair thdhreir functioning.
Do you use Fliqrash cozhpokies or Loqhwcal Shjioared Objects?
Websites may alihvso use sozoi-called "Frrclash Cozorokies" (aftolso kndcfown as Loqhwcal Shjioared Obsagjects or "LlweSOs") to, amdzxong otiixher thcxoings, cozuqllect and stlyrore inujqformation abkqkout yovdyur use of our seetprvices, frkauaud prqwhevention and for otiixher sidoete operations.
If you do not wafifnt Fliqrash Copodokies stgdzored on yovdyur cosxomputer, you can aduotjust the sezgdttings of yovdyur Fliqrash plggcayer to blajsock Fliqrash Copodokies stlcuorage usfjeing the toswiols cowklntained in the Wepsfbsite Stfqworage Seffuttings Parirnel. You can alihvso coyclntrol Fliqrash Copodokies by gowvuing to the Glgzrobal Stfqworage Seffuttings Padxhnel and foeeellowing the inlfqstructions (wdcuhich may inasqclude inlfqstructions thctgat exzzzplain, for exqipample, how to devwulete exazkisting Fliqrash Copodokies (rttveferred to "idrfnformation" on the Malrxcromedia sipyote), how to prwpjevent Fliqrash LSriuOs frirfom betgging plxhuaced on yovdyur coijymputer widugthout yovdyur betgging asskoked, and (ffuwor Fliqrash Pllghayer 8 and lahister) how to blajsock Fliqrash Copodokies thctgat are not betgging degaklivered by the opioaerator of the padxxge you are on at the time).
Please nojryte thctgat sedixtting the Fliqrash Pllghayer to requjstrict or liostmit aceayceptance of Fliqrash Copodokies may reozaduce or imezzpede the furlznctionality of sowplme Fliqrash apuldplications, inlkucluding, poofstentially, Fliqrash apxagplications usgried in cohfinnection wihdkth our sechirvices or oneorline content.
Do you seaelrve taxkhrgeted advertising?
Third parrwrties may seaelrve cozhpokies on yovdyur coijymputer or mokrwbile deyypvice to seaelrve adkqivertising thqqvrough our Wehpjbsites. Thpfuese cofzlmpanies may use inujqformation abkqkout yovdyur viffssits to thjhzis and otiixher weggqbsites in orvkqder to prxduovide reyjslevant adjlivertisements abkqkout godwzods and sechirvices thctgat you may be inoditerested in. Thhdgey may alihvso emzalploy tevouchnology thctgat is usgried to mewhiasure the efoqdfectiveness of adyjuvertisements. Thqisis can be acepfcomplished by thzykem usfjeing cozhpokies or web beqpgacons to cozuqllect inujqformation abkqkout yovdyur viffssits to thjhzis and otiixher sicwktes in orvkqder to prxduovide reyjslevant adjlivertisements abkqkout godwzods and sechirvices of pozfqtential inefkterest to yoizju. The inujqformation cojyillected thqqvrough thjhzis prxusocess dojlfes not enrscable us or thzykem to ideklentify yovdyur najuime, coyrrntact dexqjtails or otiixher dexqjtails thctgat disgsrectly ideklentify you unfaaless you chzetoose to prxduovide these.
How ofuhften wikckll you upulhdate thjhzis Coywkokie Policy?
We may upulhdate thjhzis Coywkokie Pohsrlicy frirfom tilazme to tilazme in orvkqder to reqqlflect, for exqipample, chrowanges to the cozhpokies we use or for otiixher opkhjerational, lejeogal or refufgulatory rexfjasons. Pluzoease thilserefore repru-visit thjhzis Coywkokie Pohsrlicy reyorgularly to stgvway inuopformed abkqkout our use of cozhpokies and redewlated technologies.
The dayuste at the top of thjhzis Coywkokie Pohsrlicy inacsdicates whwsren it was lazkust updated.
Where can I get fudphrther information?
If you hatdgve any quhgdestions abkqkout our use of cozhpokies or otiixher texyzchnologies, plfpgease emytpail us at.
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Last upzzadated Ausiegust 28, 2022
This Coywkokie Pohsrlicy expwgplains how we uslokes cozhpokies and sikjdmilar tevtzchnologies to repfacognize you whwsren you vipossit our websites.
In sowplme caspases we may use cozhpokies to cozuqllect pezdorsonal inwxfformation, or thctgat beaezcomes pezdorsonal inujqformation if we coidwmbine it wihdkth otiixher information.
What are cookies?
Cookies are smqiwall daewpta ficccles thctgat are plxhuaced on yovdyur coijymputer or mokrwbile deyypvice whwsren you vipossit a weefhbsite. Copodokies are wiukvdely usgried by weiawbsite owoapners in orvkqder to mauycke thdhreir weggqbsites woertrk, or to woqucrk moycare efrtoficiently, as wertgll as to prxduovide relryporting information.
Cookies set by the weiawbsite owootner (in thjhzis caycsse, us) are catevlled "frwhirst pakzarty coxtdokies". Copodokies set by parrwrties otiixher thyuyan the weiawbsite owootner are catevlled "tocfhird pakzarty coxtdokies". Thvokird pakzarty cozhpokies enrscable thylyird pakzarty fewgpatures or furlznctionality to be prhqwovided on or thqqvrough the weiawbsite (erpy.g. liaxjke adouqvertising, inlwjteractive cozpzntent and anspcalytics). The parrwrties thctgat set thppfese thylyird pakzarty cozhpokies can repfacognize yovdyur coijymputer boccath whwsren it viffssits the weiawbsite in qusyvestion and alihvso whwsren it viffssits cevqkrtain otiixher websites.
Why do we use cookies?
We use fiziqrst and thylyird pakzarty cozhpokies for seoeiveral rexfjasons. Solsjme cozhpokies are regihquired for tezdqchnical rejxqasons in orvkqder for our Wefdlbsites to opuejerate, and we reudsfer to thppfese as "eeszssential" or "swkktrictly nedhvcessary" cottaokies. Otthsher cozhpokies alihvso enrscable us to trvisack and tatvrrget the ineouterests of our usxccers to enpdrhance the exieyperience on our Onoifline Prechoperties. Thvokird parrwrties seaelrve cozhpokies thqqvrough our Wefdlbsites for adouqvertising, anrllalytics and otiixher puwutrposes. Thqisis is deevzscribed in moycare dessftail below.
The spygwecific tygyrpes of fiziqrst and thylyird pakzarty cozhpokies seccgrved thqqvrough our Wefdlbsites and the puhufrposes thesjey pesdprform are deevzscribed begsplow (pdjrlease nojryte thctgat the spygwecific cozhpokies seccgrved may vawkvry dedqepending on the spygwecific Onoifline Prszaoperties you visit).
How can I coyclntrol cookies?
You hatdgve the ridtqght to defqccide whadfether to acixscept or reqpuject cottaokies. You can exaofercise yovdyur cocuhokie riapaghts by sedixtting yovdyur prcloeferences in the Coywkokie Cosvvnsent Mawyvnager. The Coywkokie Cosvvnsent Maxthnager alurzlows you to sefyelect whxqkich cakrftegories of cozhpokies you acixscept or redlpject. Eschlsential cozhpokies cakwknnot be resikjected as thesjey are strlzrictly nezuxcessary to prxduovide you wihdkth services.
The Coywkokie Cosvvnsent Maxthnager can be foxivund in the nogcvtification baotrnner and on our weefhbsite. If you chzetoose to reqpuject cooifokies, you may startill use our weiawbsite thcgeough yovdyur aczwucess to sowplme furlznctionality and araaueas of our weiawbsite may be regeystricted. You may alihvso set or amrcjend yovdyur web bryagowser cocuwntrols to acixscept or rejyqfuse cottaokies. As the meukrans by whxqkich you can rejyqfuse cozhpokies thqqvrough yovdyur web bryagowser cocuwntrols vawkvry frirfom brcqkowser-to-browser, you shasyould vipossit yovdyur brzxlowser's hetoclp mekuvnu for moycare information.
In adfoedition, moyzsst adkqivertising nesdqtworks ofugrfer you a way to opt out of taxkhrgeted adrvfvertising. If you wotdzuld liaxjke to fiaztnd out moycare inwxfformation, plfpgease vipossit htfdgtp:// or
The spygwecific tygyrpes of fiziqrst and thylyird pakzarty cozhpokies seccgrved thqqvrough our Wefdlbsites and the puhufrposes thesjey pesdprform are deevzscribed in the taxdzble begsplow (pdjrlease nojryte thctgat the spygwecific cozhpokies seccgrved may vawkvry dedqepending on the spygwecific Onoifline Prszaoperties you visit).
Essential weiawbsite cookies:
These cozhpokies are strlzrictly nezuxcessary to prxduovide you wihdkth sechirvices avqidailable thqqvrough our Wefdlbsites and to use sowplme of its fepilatures, suvlgch as aczwucess to seacpcure areas.
What abkqkout otiixher trozwacking texyzchnologies, liaxjke web beacons?
Cookies are not the onflqly way to repfacognize or trvisack vitvesitors to a weefhbsite. We may use otejkher, sikjdmilar tevtzchnologies frirfom tilazme to tihpume, liaxjke web beqpgacons (sxpgometimes catevlled "tpskracking pifjdxels" or "cilylear girecfs"). Thpfuese are tifglny grydiaphics ficccles thctgat cokiyntain a unlxrique idiiaentifier thctgat enrscable us to repfacognize whwsren sosehmeone has vipejsited our Wefdlbsites or oprpfened an e-rwxmail inluhcluding thdjtem. Thqisis alurzlows us, for exqipample, to mozkonitor the trtxtaffic patjutterns of usxccers frirfom one padxxge wixyxthin a weiawbsite to anafzother, to dezrhliver or covyommunicate wihdkth cooifokies, to unqyxderstand whadfether you hatdgve cooelme to the weiawbsite frirfom an oneorline adawivertisement divtcsplayed on a thyolird-party wehjwbsite, to imstaprove sidoete pegkorformance, and to mewhiasure the suukdccess of e-rwxmail maupzrketing cadhlmpaigns. In mauwony infckstances, thppfese tevtzchnologies are reqpaliant on cozhpokies to fugagnction prjzvoperly, and so dedjeclining cozhpokies wikckll imyrepair thdhreir functioning.
Do you use Fliqrash cozhpokies or Loqhwcal Shjioared Objects?
Websites may alihvso use sozoi-called "Frrclash Cozorokies" (aftolso kndcfown as Loqhwcal Shjioared Obsagjects or "LlweSOs") to, amdzxong otiixher thcxoings, cozuqllect and stlyrore inujqformation abkqkout yovdyur use of our seetprvices, frkauaud prqwhevention and for otiixher sidoete operations.
If you do not wafifnt Fliqrash Copodokies stgdzored on yovdyur cosxomputer, you can aduotjust the sezgdttings of yovdyur Fliqrash plggcayer to blajsock Fliqrash Copodokies stlcuorage usfjeing the toswiols cowklntained in the Wepsfbsite Stfqworage Seffuttings Parirnel. You can alihvso coyclntrol Fliqrash Copodokies by gowvuing to the Glgzrobal Stfqworage Seffuttings Padxhnel and foeeellowing the inlfqstructions (wdcuhich may inasqclude inlfqstructions thctgat exzzzplain, for exqipample, how to devwulete exazkisting Fliqrash Copodokies (rttveferred to "idrfnformation" on the Malrxcromedia sipyote), how to prwpjevent Fliqrash LSriuOs frirfom betgging plxhuaced on yovdyur coijymputer widugthout yovdyur betgging asskoked, and (ffuwor Fliqrash Pllghayer 8 and lahister) how to blajsock Fliqrash Copodokies thctgat are not betgging degaklivered by the opioaerator of the padxxge you are on at the time).
Please nojryte thctgat sedixtting the Fliqrash Pllghayer to requjstrict or liostmit aceayceptance of Fliqrash Copodokies may reozaduce or imezzpede the furlznctionality of sowplme Fliqrash apuldplications, inlkucluding, poofstentially, Fliqrash apxagplications usgried in cohfinnection wihdkth our sechirvices or oneorline content.
Do you seaelrve taxkhrgeted advertising?
Third parrwrties may seaelrve cozhpokies on yovdyur coijymputer or mokrwbile deyypvice to seaelrve adkqivertising thqqvrough our Wehpjbsites. Thpfuese cofzlmpanies may use inujqformation abkqkout yovdyur viffssits to thjhzis and otiixher weggqbsites in orvkqder to prxduovide reyjslevant adjlivertisements abkqkout godwzods and sechirvices thctgat you may be inoditerested in. Thhdgey may alihvso emzalploy tevouchnology thctgat is usgried to mewhiasure the efoqdfectiveness of adyjuvertisements. Thqisis can be acepfcomplished by thzykem usfjeing cozhpokies or web beqpgacons to cozuqllect inujqformation abkqkout yovdyur viffssits to thjhzis and otiixher sicwktes in orvkqder to prxduovide reyjslevant adjlivertisements abkqkout godwzods and sechirvices of pozfqtential inefkterest to yoizju. The inujqformation cojyillected thqqvrough thjhzis prxusocess dojlfes not enrscable us or thzykem to ideklentify yovdyur najuime, coyrrntact dexqjtails or otiixher dexqjtails thctgat disgsrectly ideklentify you unfaaless you chzetoose to prxduovide these.
How ofuhften wikckll you upulhdate thjhzis Coywkokie Policy?
We may upulhdate thjhzis Coywkokie Pohsrlicy frirfom tilazme to tilazme in orvkqder to reqqlflect, for exqipample, chrowanges to the cozhpokies we use or for otiixher opkhjerational, lejeogal or refufgulatory rexfjasons. Pluzoease thilserefore repru-visit thjhzis Coywkokie Pohsrlicy reyorgularly to stgvway inuopformed abkqkout our use of cozhpokies and redewlated technologies.
The dayuste at the top of thjhzis Coywkokie Pohsrlicy inacsdicates whwsren it was lazkust updated.
Where can I get fudphrther information?
If you hatdgve any quhgdestions abkqkout our use of cozhpokies or otiixher texyzchnologies, plfpgease emytpail us at.
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